In the past eight years, the THSTI has grown from an idea to an institution that is ready to take its place with leading science institutions in the country, but differentiates itself by being aimed beyond discovery research, to the fostering of application through its own efforts and through partnerships. THSTI has five areas identified as 'star' projects where we will develop world-class research and translational programmes. These are i) vaccines, ii) maternal and child health, iii) point-of-care diagnostics, iv) metabolic diseases and nutrition, and v) training in clinical and product development. All of these will be pursued in parallel with the creation of an inter-institutional ecosystem in the NCR Biotech Science Cluster focused on the development of an academia-biotech-industry collaboration modeled on the science research parks that are nested within major innovation hubs.
THSTI has unique foundational elements to support its mission. With enthusiastic, well-trained interdisciplinary young faculty who have a spectrum of scientific strengths that bridges clinical, basic and applied sciences; their commitment to focus on practical science and technology and the building and strengthening of academia-industry networking promote an institutional architecture and environment to support translation. The strong clinical links and collaboration and the support of clinical development feasible through CDSA distinguish THSTI among all DBT institutions.
As an autonomous institute of DBT established with the mandate of finding solutions for large and unique public health problems, we exist to serve society through science. Therefore, we take on problems that may be complex and large but where our inter-disciplinary skills are necessary for solutions. Altruism, ambition and accountability define the future of THSTI, and we look forward to working with partners towards our mandate of creating an environment that enables innovation and drives the translation of research into clinical settings and commercial enterprises as services and products that will improve public health in India.