Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited (TNPL), an enterprise promoted by Government of Tamil Nadu, has precisely followed this adage. The Unit- I of TNPL at Kagithapuram, Karur district was commissioned in October 1985 with an installed capacity of 90,000 TPA of Newsprint/Fine Paper, in a single machine. Over a period of time, TNPL has added two more paper machines, besides upgrading the existing Paper machine. The increased production capacity of 400,000 TPA of writing and printing papers has made TNPL as one of the largest bagasse- a residue of sugar cane, as primary raw material, in the world. With an increased demand, the company has expanded the pulping capacity by way of installing new chemical hardwood line, upgrading the chemical bagasse pulp line and setting up a new deinked pulp line besides adopting ECF bleaching in all the chemical pulp lines. Simultaneously, the company has also increased the power plant capacity to meet the steam and energy requirement of the expanded mill.
All the three modern high-speed paper machines are capable of producing variety of Writing and Printing papers and are equipped with state-of-the art automation to ensure consistent quality. The Company has earned a reputation as a pre-eminent player of manufacturing paper from bagasse having a world-wide creditability in the trade. Today, TNPL Unit-I is self sufficient in terms of power and pulp.