NFL, a Schedule ‘A’ & a Mini Ratna (Category-I) Company, having its registered office at New Delhi was incorporated on 23rd August 1974. Its Corporate Office is at NOIDA (U.P). It has an authorized capital of Rs. 1000 crore and a paid up capital of
Rs. 490.58 crore out of which Government of India’s share is 74.71 % and 25.29 % is held by financial institutions & others.
Vision & Mission
The company has a Vision i.e. “to be a leading Indian company in fertilizers and beyond with commitment to all stakeholders” and a mission “to be a dynamic organization committed to serve the farming community and other customers to their satisfaction through timely supply of fertilizers and other products & services; continually striving to achieve the highest standards in quality, safety, ethics, professionalism, energy conservation with a concern for ecology and maximizing returns to stakeholders”.
Manufacturing Plants
NFL has five gas based Ammonia-Urea plants viz. Nangal & Bathinda plants in Punjab, Panipat plant in Haryana and two plants at Vijaipur at District Guna, in Madhya Pradesh. The Panipat, Bathinda & Nangal plants were revamped for feed stock conversion from Fuel Oil to Natural Gas, an eco-friendly fuel during 2012-13 / 2013-14. Vijaipur plants of the company were also revamped for energy savings & capacity enhancement during 2012-13, thus increasing its total annual capacity from 20.66 LMT from 17.29 LMT, an increase of 20%. The company currently has a total annual installed capacity of 35.68 LMT (Re-assessed capacity of 32.31 LMT) & is the 2nd largest producer of Urea in the country with a share of about 16% of total Urea production in the country.
Company has a Bio-Fertilizers Plant at Vijaipur with a capacity of 600 tonnes of solid & liquid Bio-Fertilizers to produce three strains of Bio-Fertilizers viz. PSB, Rhizobium and Azotobacter are produced.
NFL is engaged in manufacturing and marketing of Neem Coated Urea, three strains of Bio-Fertilizers (solid & liquid) and other allied Industrial products like Ammonia, Nitric Acid, Ammonium Nitrate, Sodium Nitrite and Sodium Nitrate. The brand name of the company is popularly known in the market as ‘KISAN’.
The company has also started production of certified seeds under its Seeds Multiplication Program for sale under its own brand name as Kisan Beej.
Imports & Trading
Apart from manufacturing business, the company is also expanding its business, in a consistent & phased manner, by way of imports and trading of various agro-inputs like Non-Urea Fertilizers, certified seeds, Agrochemicals, Bentonite Sulphur, City compost through its existing PAN India dealer’s network under single window concept.