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National Environmental Engineering Research Institute
Member Since, Feb 27, 2020
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Achievements of CSIR - NEERI

National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Nagpur is a constituent of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi and has a nation-wide presence with its five zonal laboratories at Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai.

The mandate of NEERI is:

  • To conduct research and developmental studies in environmental science and engineering
  • To render assistance to the industries of the region, local bodies, etc. in solving the problems of environmental pollution through S&T intervention
  • To interact and collaborate with academic and research institutions on environmental science and engineering for mutual benefit
  • To participate in CSIR thrust area and National mission projects

R & D Thrust Areas

Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Modelling, Optimisation, Environmental Impact & Risk Assessment, Environmental Policy, Environmental Biotechnology, Genomics and Virology, Environmental Health, Water and Wastewater Technologies, Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, and Environmental Materials.
The clientele involves Industries, Central Government Ministries/Boards, State Government Ministries/Boards, Judiciary.

Current Activities:

CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-NEERI) has initiated various R&D activities under 12th Five Year Plan for effective environmental monitoring in the country, which include mission projects such as “National Clean Air Mission”, “Clean Water: Sustainable Options”, “Waste Utilization and Management (COE)” and “Quantification and Mitigation of Persistent Organic Pollutants (PoPs) under Stockholm Convention”. Besides various R&D activities are in progress to deliver environmental solutions through development of cost-effective and resource recovery based technologies suitable to socio-economic conditions prevailing in the country.

CSIR-NEERI has initiated vital outcome-driven R&D activities under CSIR-800 programme to benefit rural people of India in terms of water pollution control, air pollution control and waste to wealth. The Institute is attempting to develop environmental materials which will be instrumental in preventing environmental pollution. The Institute has taken up R&D activities related to carbon dioxide sequestration and valorization for reducing the increasinglevels of CO2 in the atmosphere. As part of paradigm shifts, CSIR-NEERI is committed to focuson carrying capacity based developmental planning to ensure sustainable development in the country instead ofconventional environmental impact and risk assessment

The Institute will continue to provide solutions to various environmental problems faced by government, industry and the society. The Institute will also continue its output driven R&D activities in terms of technology development and transfer, research publications, patents, networking with academic and R&D Institutions in India and abroad.

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