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Gujarat Biotechnology Research Center
Member Since, Mar 02, 2020
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Biotechnology has become one of the emerging and exponentially growing field with a multidisciplinary nature, which integrates various branches of interdisciplinary sciences. The knowledge already acquired and being accumulated offers mankind prospects for longer, healthier lives; plentiful and safe food and water; and agriculture and industry that produce in harmony with the environment. The advancement of modern life sciences into various disciplines of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, such as Genomics, systems biology, synthetic biology, nanobiotechnology has open many opportunities not only for skilled human resources but also for developing products, processes and prototypes to tackle societal challenges

Government of Gujarat has established Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission (GSBTM) as a nodal agency to develop overall development of biotechnology in the state in 2004. Major activities of GSBTM is promoting research and development in the field of biotechnology and supporting the development of biotechnology industries in the state. Besides this, GSBTM has undertaken various research initiatives such as Genomic Initiatives, Biodiversity Genebank, Bioinformatics, Genetic Diagnostics Network, Stem Cell Research and Training, Bio-Banking and Marine Bio-resource Centre. The initiatives were actively involved in developing human resources in the state along with exposure to modern facilities.

Lateron it is being realized to consolidate all research initiatives and to develop an Institute which can work on addressing the regional problems. Gujarat Biotechnology Research Centre has been recently established as an autonomous institute under Department of Science and Technology, Government of Gujarat for tackling societal problems of state priority through cutting-edge Biotechnological intervention. The organization is well equipped with advanced research infrastructural facilities including dedicated Biobanking, microbial repository, cell culture, NGS Genomics facilities and Supercomputing Bioinformatics facilities with highly competent scientific manpower to carry out research activities in the frontier areas. Gujarat Biotechnology Research Centre (GBRC) has been constituted vide Department of Science & Technology G.R. No. BTM-102016-299-BT dated 11th August, 2017 to undertake biotechnology research in the state priority areas. The focus of GBRC is not only to undertake conduct cutting-edge research in the frontier areas of biotechnology but also leading to the development product/ prototype/ process development with application in healthcare, agriculture, environment, marine etc. GBRC is also planning to evolve as a state-of-art shared laboratory facility by extending its infrastructure to outside organization/Institutions/Industries/Students for their research purposes.

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