1. Application is invited for the following post to be filled up on purely temporary basis under the project entitled “Viral Load Testing Laboratory” under Dr. M.K. Saha, Scientist ‘F’ of this Institute.
2. Name of the Post: Technical officer (01)
3. Qualification & Experiences: Essential: M.Sc. in Medical Virology/Microbiolo gy/ Biotechnology/ Life Sciences.
Desirable: Minimum two years experience in Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory or other laboratory.
Preference: Candidate with experience of working in NABL accredited or applied lab will be preferred.
4. Job Description: Routinely perform Viral Load Testing. Develop SOP and other relevant documents for NABL. Support development and implementation of Quality Management System. Follow SOPs and Forms of the VL lab. Report generation & dispatch within TAT. Ensure all documentations as per the National Guidelines. Analyse Laboratory data including program data and QC data. Ensure participation of Laboratory in EQAS program. Supervisory role for trouble shooting, root cause analysis of testing errors.Monitor quality indicators as per lab quality policy. Perform Trainings on sample collection and transportation for linked sites. Ensure maintenance of all samples for sample repository for letter evaluation. Ensure confidentiality of specimen at all levels. Will be accountable for every report generated by laboratory. To attend all training/meeting organized by NACO/SACS. To enter data in IMS. Visit to ART Centre to monitor and review the work related to Viral load sample collection by MHL. Submission of certified statement of expenditure at periodically defined by SACS. Submission of monthly testing report to NACO. Coordination with SACS & NACO for lab consumables, kits and other things for smooth functioning of lab. Perform any other duties assigned by Lab-in-Charge & SACS.
5. Monthly Consolidated Salary: Rs. 30,000/- (fixed)