1. Position: SSA (Ballistics) Pay Level — 6
2. Qualification: Officers under the Central or State Governments or UTs or recognized Research Institutions or Universities or Public Sector Undertakings or SemiGovernment or Statutory or Autonomous Organisations holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre/department; or with six years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in Pay Level-5 in the Pay Matrix in the parent cadre/department or equivalent; or with ten years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in Pay Level-4 in the Pay Matrix in the parent cadre/department or equivalent; and (b) possessing the qualifications and experience prescribed for direct recruits is as under:
3. Qualification: Essential Master's degree in Physics or Mathematics or Forensic Science with specialization in Forensic Ballistics from a recognized University or equivalent. ii) One year's experience of research or teaching in the subject concerned in a Forensic Science Laboratory of Central Government or State Government or recognized research institution or recognized college or university
4. Position: Senior Scientific Assistant (Chemistry), Pay Level — 6