No. of Vacancies : 1
Description : Applications on the plain paper with complete bio-data are invited for filling up the post of Security Supervisor on contract basis at a fixed salary of Rs. 15,000/- per month.
The qualifications/Experience prescribed for the post are as under:-
Retired Police person not below the rank of Head Constable.
Retired Army person not below the rank of Naik.
10+2 with Punjabi upto Matric level.
Candidate should be medically fit.
Age Limit: Not above 63 years.
The desirous candidates fulfilling the above criteria should send their applications complete in all respects alongwith attested copies of the certificates/ testimonials and a Bank Draft of Rs. 200/- in favour of Comptroller, PAU, Ludhiana payable at Ludhiana to this office on or before 20.03.2020. The candidates must mention their complete address and mobile number in the application. Applications received without the prescribed application fee/received after the due date shall not be considered.
Send your application to the :Office of The Estate Officer, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
For more details :
Not mentioned