Subject: Filling up of vacancies for the post of Section Officer on deputation basis in the National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions (NCMEI), New Delhi, a Statutory Body created under an Act of Parliament - Calling for applications - regarding The undersigned is directed to state that the Central Government (Ministry of HRD) in exercise of the powers conferred by the Section 6 of the National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions Act, 2004 (2 of 2005) has framed and Sued the Notification dated 12.72016 relating to National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions (Group-A, Group-B and Group-C posts) Recruitment Rules, 2016, which was published in the Gazette of India (Extraordinary) on 13.7.2016. Accordingly, the Central Government (Ministry of HRD) proposes to fill up vacancy Section Officer on deputation basis in the National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions (NCMEI), New Delhi, a Statutory Body created under an Act of Parliament under Ministry of Human Resource Development, the details of which along with their eligibility criteria are given as under:-
1. Post: Section Officer
2. Eligibility:Officers under the Central or State Govemments or Union Territory administrations or Universities or Recognized research institutions or Public Sector Undertakings or Semi-Government or Statutory or Autonomous organisations:- (i) holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent cadre or department; or (ii) with five years service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in post in PB-2 in the scale of pay of Rs. 9300- 34800/- Grade Pay of Rs.42001- or equivalent in the parent cadre or department.