Name of the Post & Scale of pay: Research Scientist [Level 10]
2. Essential Qualification: M.E/M.Tech with First Class in Electronics/Electronics Engineering / Electronics & Communication/Electronics & Communication Engineering/Electronics & TeleCommunication/Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering/ Electronic Design & Technology from a AICTE recognized Engineering College/ Institute/University or equivalent.
3. Desired Credentials: Working Experience in SATCOM Applications/ SATCOM Technology/ TeleCommunication/ Mobile Communication/ Wireless & Microwave Communication/ Telecasting/ Broadcasting / Digital e-learning content development.
4. Geoscience: M.Tech in Geology/Applied Geology / Geophysics or equivalent with pre-qualification of B.Sc with Geology as Main/Major/ Honours subject. OR M.Sc in Geology/Applied Geology / Geophysics or equivalent with pre-qualification of B.Sc with Geology as Main/Major/ Honours subject. OR M.Sc (Tech.) in Geology/Applied Geology / Geophysics or equivalent with pre-qualification of B.Sc with Geology as Main/Major/
5. Desired Credentias: Working experience in Geology/Applied Geology with research related to Ground water depletion study/ landslide early warning/ susceptibility study/ GPS/GNSS/seismic surveying and data processing & analysis/ use of Remote Sensing & GIS.
6. Agricultural Disaster: M.E/M.Tech in Remote Sensing/ Geo-informatics or equivalent. OR M.Sc in Agriculture from a recognized university with degree/ diploma in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System WITH B.Sc in any of the Natural Sciences as pre-qualification.