Applications from the eligible candidates are invited for one position of Research Fellow provided in the scheme, " " Evaluation of herbicide TVE29 40 SC as early post emergence in transplanted Rice and its effect on succeeding crop, Misc 166 (PC 4953)” ( Financed by FMC India Private Limited, Banglore) at Rs. 20,000/- fixed p.m. on the prescribed proforma obtainable from the office Room no. 112 of this department against the payment of Rs. 200/- in the shape of bank draft in favour of Comptroller, PAU Ludhiana.
1. Essential Qualifications:- B.Sc. Medical/B.Sc. (Hons) with Botany/B.Sc. Botany/B.Sc. Agri./B.Sc.Agri. (Hons) /B.Sc. Biotech. (Hons)/B.Sc. Hort./B.Sc. Forestry with minimum OCPA of 6.00/10.00 basis or 60% marks. M.Sc. in Botany/Plant Physiology with minimum OCPA 6.50/10.00 basis or 65% marks.
2. The candidate who does not possess Master's degree in the relevant subject(s) i.e., Botany/Plant Physiology but possesses Ph.D. degree in any of these subjects, shall be eligible for the post.
3. Preference will be given to the candidates having M.Sc. degree/ Ph.D. in Botany.
4. The fellowship is purely temporary and initially awarded for a period of six months which may be extended for a further period of six months at a time or till the termination of the scheme whichever is earlier.