The following post is to be filled up on purely temporary basis under the project entitled “Studies on vascular endothelial dysfunction molecules in dengue virus: In search of an early potential marker for DHF/DSS” under Dr. Provash C. Sadhukhan, Scientist ‘E’ of this Institute:
1. Name of the Post: Research Associate – II
2. Essential: Ph.D. degree in Life Sciences from a recognized University with first author publication in peer-reviewed journal in the relevant area.
3. Desirable:
(i) Doctoral thesis on basic or disease related research.
(ii) Hand-on expertise on Molecular Biology, Tissue culture and protein analysis.
(iii) Additional Post-doctoral research experience in relevant subject from recognized Institutions, specially in proteomics with LC-MS data analysis (documented proof required).
4. Stipend: Rs. 49,000/- plus 24% HRA