Walk-in Interviews will be held for the post of Research Associate (Ad-hoc basis. for 3 months only) in ICMR-funded project titled "Accelerating drug discovery path by delineating the structural differences leading to functional divergence in virulence factor proteins found in pathogenic bacteria" on 16-March-202() (Monday) at Department of Biophysics. Interested candidates should report by 10:00 AM with detailed resume, copy of certificates, and original documents. Suitable candidates will be selected on the basis of the interview and intimated of selection through email.
1. Qualifications: Doctorate Degree (Ph.D) in any area of Life Sciences. Those who have completed viva-voce may appear. Expertise in structural bioinformatics and comparative genomics is essential. Experience in database design and programming is desirable.
2. Salary: 36,000/- prn + 30% HRA (pre-revised, expected to be revised as per recent ICIVIR guidelines). Please carry a proof of completion of viva.