1. Position: Project Assistant
2. Qualification:
a. The qualification of Project Assistant —ICT Works (INO) should have Degree in Electronics and communication engineering / Allied branch or equivalent with at leas/ I-year experience in installation of LANs, WANs, network segments, Internet, and Intranet systems, Installation (Digilal / Virtual and Smart Classrooms, Advanced Audio-Video Conference Systems, installation and maintenance security surveillance, network hardware and seftware.
b. The qualification of Project Assistant — Electrical Works (INO) should have Degree in Electrical Engineering, Wilh a/ least I years of experience in Electrical Engineering Works. The applicant should have experience in Substations, SC'ADA, installation & commissioning of DG sets, compressor, IIT capacitor bank, [IT & LT Panels, switch gears, breakdown maintenance, problem solving ef LT side, earthing, spare parts management. installation (2/' Solar electric system, [IT & 1.1' ('ahling, and proficiency in computer aided drg/iing, report preparation, MS' (Mice package, candidate with higher qualificationle.vperience shall be given prg/érence.
c. The qualification of Project Assistant — Civil Works (INO) should have Degree in Civil Engineering, with at least I years experience in construction and maintenance e/' building works. The applicant should have adequate knowledge of quality control, building Dlaterial testing procedures, Non-Destruclive Testing, building services, construction procedures practices and pre/iciency in computer aided drg/iing, report preparation, MS e//ice package, candidate with higher qualification/experience shall he given preference.
4. Salary: The remunerationwill he Rs. 25,000 per month.