1. Online applications are invited from eligible candidates for various Teaching and Non- Teaching posts in the Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar as per details given below. Candidates must also fill the Score Card Proforma for Assistant Professors, which is an essential component of the online application form. For the posts of Director-HRDC, Professor and Associate Professor candidates must send the downloaded Academic Performance Indicator (API) based Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS), as set out in UGC regulations, and score card performa duly filled in all respect as per guidelines, along with the supporting documents with the hard copy of their application form, which is an essential component of the application form. This PBAS and Score Card proforma and guidelines are available at the university website : www.gndu.ac.in. No modification will be allowed subsequently
2. Name of the Post: Professor - 2 Nos
3. Department: a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Chair (Political Science, Sociology, Law and Social Science); b) Architecture
4. Qualifications: