Sub: Filling up of the post of Joint Advisor in TRAI Regional Office at Hyderabad on deputation on foreign service terms.The organization proposes to fill up the post of Joint Advisor at its Regional Office at Hyderabad on deputation on foreign service terms, initially for a period upto 31st March, 2022. The required qualification and experience for the said post are given below:-
1. Post: Joint Advisor
2. Qualification: A Master/ Bachelors Degree in Business Admini strati on/ Economics/ Commerce/ Engineering/ Law/ Science/ Humanities from a recognized University/ institution or, Membership of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India/ Institute of Cost and Works Razo untants Of India.
3. pay Level/ Scale of Pa pay Level-13 , Rs. 123100-215900/- in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC plus other allowances such as DA. HRA etc. as por Rules. [Pre-revised PB-4, Rs. 37400-67000+ Rs. 8700 GPI