1. Position: Joint Adviser /Deputy Adviser
2. Educational Qualifications
a. Essential Masters' Degree in any discipline or MBBS or Degree in Engineering or Technology from a recognised University or Passed in Sections 'A' and 'B' of the Institution Examinations of the Institute of Engineers (India); or Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Two years)
3. Desirable: Doctorate in any discipline or Master's Degree in Engineering.
4. Joint Adviser: Level 13 holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or department; or with five years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in posts in level-12 in the pay matrix (Rs.78,800- 2,09,200) or equivalent in the parent cadre or department.
5. Essential experience: Minimum ten years' experience (which shall include up to three years for Ph.D provided no work experience is counted during those three years) in formulation, appraisal, execution or implementation, research, monitoring and evaluation of policy, programme or projects.
6. Deputy Adviser: Level 12 holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or department; or with five years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in posts in level-I I in the pay matrix (Rs.67,700-2,08,700) or equivalent in the parent cadre or department.
7. Essential experience: Minimum eight years' experience (which shall include up to three years for Ph.D provided no work experience is counted during those three years) in formulation, appraisal, execution or implementation, research, monitoring and evaluation of policy, programme or projects.
8. FOR PROMOTION to the posts .Joint Adviser Deputy Adviser
a. Joint Adviser: The Departmental Deputy Adviser of the NITI Aayog in level-12 of Pay Matrix Rs.78,800- 2,09,200) with five years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis and possessing the educational qualifications and experience as prescribed in the preceding paras [Para 2 & 3(a)] and having successfully completed 2-4 weeks of training in relevant fields or area as specified by NITI Aayog will also be considered along with outsiders and if a Departmental Deputy Adviser is selected for appointment to the post ofJoint Adviser, it will be treated as having been filled by promotion.
b. Deputy Adviser: The Departmental Senior Research Officer of the NITI Aayog in level-I I of Pay Matrix (Rs.67,700-2,08,700) with five years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis and possessing the educational qualifications and experience as prescribed in the preceding paras [Para 2 & 3(a)] and having successfully completed 2-4 weeks of trainingmin relevant fields or area as specified by NITI Aayog will also be considered along with outsiders and if a Departmental Senior Research Officer is selected for appointment to the post of Deputy Adviser, it will be treated as having been filled by promotion.
9. Joint Adviser: . Level - 13 in the Pay Matrix(1,23,100 - Rs.2, 15,900)
Deputy Adviser: . Level - 12 in Pay Matrix (Rs. 78,800 - Rs.2,09200)
Send your application to NITI Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi,
For more details: https://niti.gov.in/sites/default/files/2020-01/JA_DA.pdf