Deputy General Manager (Technical)
Pay Level in Pay Matrix: Pay Level 12 (Rs.78800-209200)
Method of Recruitment: Promotion / Deputation.
(i) Educational Qualification: i) Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University / Institute; AND (ii) Experience : Six years’ experience in implementation of Infrastructure Sectors related to Highways, Roads and Bridges.
(1) By promotion through selection from amongst Manager (Technical) of NHAI with five years’ regular service in that post and possessing the essential educational qualifications stipulated in Column 7. OR (2) By deputation from officers under the Central Govt. or State Governments or Union Territories or Universities or Recognized Research Institutions or Public Sector Undertakings or Semi Govt. or Statutory or Autonomous Organizations and other Govt. Bodies :- (i) holding analogous post on regular basis in the Pay Level 12 in Pay Matrix (Rs.78800-209200) (in CDA pattern) or equivalent in the IDA pattern in the parent cadre / department; and more details to check notification