Establish a robust data architecture working with IT and other cross functional SMEs in data management within Veritas.
Create a list of data attributes required for Quality & Reliability studies, working with cross functional teams.
Identify sources of data, establish data warehouse and create pipelines from sources.
Conduct regular checks to ensure data integrity from all sources (Gold-In : Gold-Out)
Onboard and/or Utilize existing visualization tools such as Tableau, Power BI etc after assessing it's application for Quality reporting.
Collect requests from internal customers (mostly within Jim's team) to create stunning data visualization that are automated based upon the data base refresh rate. Such reports should lead to intuitive understanding and effective actions for continuous improvement (simple example - ARR/AFR dashboards trends of metrics top reasons paretos Actions)
Establish data analytics on factory data (on key parametric data as applicable) to create early warning systematic alerts. (Similar to predictive insights)