Purpose :
Come up with concepts and copy for digital & social media advertising clients of Isobar.
Role / Profile:
He/she will be tasked with conceptualizing and writing the copy for Digital / Social media content primarily. They’ll also get the chance to work on campaign briefs and strategize for content calendars for clients.
Skills Required:
• Excellent written and verbal communication
• Must be able to visualize and provide image references to the art team for execution along with the concept & copy.
• Digital savvy. Passionate about Digital/social media communications as well as technology/trends.
Preferred experience background:
• Minimum 1 to 2 years of experience with a Digital Agency.
• Must have work samples relating to handling Digital / Social Media for brands (individual posts and campaigns both)
• Experience with films, relatively new mediums like Instagram / Boomerang etc. will be a plus.