NIT Delhi invites applications from Indian Nationals for the recruitment of faculty at the level of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor Grade-II (On Contract) (AGP 6000 as per 6th CPC and Level 10 as per 7th CPC) in the various departments of NIT Delhi. The last date to fill the online application form is March 30, 2020. Hard copy of downloaded application form along with all supporting documents (From Annexure A to F, Check List and others, which are applicable) must be reached to The Registrar, National Institute of Technology Delhi, Sector A-7, Institutional Area, Narela, Delhi-110040, India, by speed/registered post till April 06, 2020 (5.30 pm). In case the day falls on holiday / series of holidays, then the last date of receipt of application will be the next working day. There is No Application Fee for any post in this recruitment.Post name: Associate Professor At entry level of pay level 13A2 as per 7th CPC or AGP 9500 as per 6th CPC.
1. Specialization: Computer Science and Engineering/ Electrical & Electronics Engineering/ Electronics & Communication Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ Physics.
2. Essential Requirements: Six years after Ph.D of which at least Three years at the level of Assistant Professor with Academic Grade Pay of ₹8000; OR Nine years total working experience, of which Three years should be after Ph.D, with at least Three years at the level of Assistant Professor with Academic Grade Pay of ₹8000.
3. Essential Qualifications: Ph.D.