Position: Assistant Registrar
2. Salary: (Rs. 67700 - 208700)
3. For Deputation: Officers possessing a degree in law and holding analogous posts in Central Govt./Suprcmc Court/High Court/CAT' or officers of Central Govt./Supreme Court/CAT/High Court in the Pay Band-2 Rs.9300-34800/- -F GP Rs.4800/- with 8 years of regular service.
4. Position: Director
5. By transfer on deputation / transfer: holding analogous posts on regular basis; or 5 ycars regular service in the scale of Rs. 12()0() 16500/- or equivalent, and Possessing experience in personnel and general administration matters.
6. Position: Senior Principal Private Secretary
7. By Deputation: Officers holding analogous posts under thc Central or State Govt. / Supreme Court or officers under the Central or State Govt. / Supretne Court or any 'I'ribunal or Adjudicating Bodies of comparable status with 5 years regular service in the grade. Private Principal Secretary
8. By 'Transfer on deputation / transfer: officers under the Central Govt. / Supreme Court / Central Administrative 'Tribunal: holding analogous posts on regular basis: or with 8 years regular basis in the scale of Rs. 6,500— 10,500/- or equivalent.
9. Position: Section Officer